Reaching the highest standards
Some of the most anticipated events in the UK calendar are those which celebrate the achievements of the people who make our country a better place. As such, the Pride and Heroes Awards organised by Reach plc invariably require a creative and flexible approach.
For several years, we have provided bespoke and eye-catching stage and press area signage for the Pride of Britain, Pride of Birmingham, Pride of Manchester, Animal Heroes and Sports Heroes Awards – and every time something different is required.
We created stunning acrylic oversized animal cut-outs which lit up on stage at the Animal Heroes Awards. We even used vinyl wraps the following year to change the colours and to keep the brand as fresh as possible.
Covid has meant in-person events have been on hold, so when Reach wanted to present winners with their awards at their homes and needed lightweight, portable, free standing sponsorship totems to include in background for filming/photos, they briefed us to make it happen. They were created using display board, direct printed and foldable using our creasing tool on the CNC machine, and the totems are then laminated for durability.
Other products specifically manufactured for Reach include sponsorship logo backdrops for interviews and photos, selfie booth props and wraps for award plinths.
Whatever your event, you want it to look the best, so why not partner with the best to bring it to life? Contact us to discuss your next event.